A SymPyCore introduction

This document provides an introduction to using SymPy within Julia via SymPyCore It has examples from the Introductory Tutorial of SymPy that is translated into Julia commands in this documentation.


In this document, we use SymPy to refer to either the SymPy or SymPyPythonCall packages that interface Julia with SymPy from Python using SymPyCore. The only difference being the glue package for interop between Julia and Python.

SymPy provides a Julian interface to SymPy, a Python library for symbolic math, as alternative to working with Python objects directly using one of the glue packages. See the overview page for more details. Some brief implementation details are:

  • Symbolic values in Python are wrapped in a subtype, typically Sym{T}, of SymbolicObject{T} or a container holding such values. The conversion from a Python object to a symbolic object in Julia is implemented in the method. Similarly, the method takes a symbolic object and finds a Python counterpart for passing to underlying methods of SymPy.

  • For many generic methods in Base, LinearAlgebra, or SpecialFunctions – when there is a SymPy counterpart – a method is made which dispatches on its first argument being symbolic. The basic pattern is akin to Base.sin(x::Sym) = sympy.sin(x) where sympy.sin(x) is essentially ↑(_sympy_.sin(↓(x))) – here _sympy_ is the object holding the reference to the Python module, and _sympy_.sin the reference to its sin function. The sympy object handles the up and down conversions.

  • For many primary functions of SymPy, such as simplify, factor, expand, etc., new methods are made for use within Julia. Less foundational functions of SymPy, such as trigsimp or expand_log are referenced as sympy.trigsimp or sympy.expand_log. The sympy object is not a Julia module, but this use is reminiscent of qualifying a function from a module.

  • SymPy, being a Python library, has many methods for its objects. For example, a symbolic object, obj has a diff method accessed by obj.diff(...). A object also has a subs method for substitution, accessed through obj.subs(...). The same "dot" style is used for Python and Julia.

  • For commonly used object methods, a Julian interface is defined. For diff a diff(obj::Sym, ...) method is defined. For subs a subs(obj::Sym, ...) interface is defined, and exported. As subs has paired-off values, specifying the substitution, the Julian interface allows pairs notation (a => b) to be used.

The package

Either the SymPy or SymPyPythonCall packages needs to be loaded, e.g., using SymPy. The two can't be used in the same session.

When either is installed, the SymPyCore package is installed; the underlying glue package (either PyCall or PythonCall) should be installed; and that glue package should install the sympy library of Python.


At the core of SymPy is the introduction of symbolic variables that differ quite a bit from Julia's variables. Symbolic variables do not immediately evaluate to a value, rather the "symbolicness" propagates when interacted with. To keep things manageable, SymPy does some simplifications along the way.

Symbolic expressions are primarily of the Sym type and can be constructed in the standard way:

julia> x = Sym("x")x

This creates a symbolic object x, which can be manipulated through further function calls.

The @syms macro

There is the @syms macro that makes creating multiple variables a bit less typing, as it creates variables in the local scope – no assignment is necessary. Compare these similar ways to create symbolic variables:

julia> @syms a b c(a, b, c)
julia> a,b,c = Sym("a"), Sym("b"), Sym("c")(a, b, c)

Here are two ways to make related variables:

julia> @syms xs[1:5](SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}[xs₁, xs₂, xs₃, xs₄, xs₅],)
julia> ys = [Sym("y$i") for i in 1:5]5-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}: y₁ y₂ y₃ y₄ y₅

The former much more succinct, but the latter pattern of use when the number of terms is a variable.

The @syms macro is recommended, and will be modeled in the following, as it makes the specification of assumptions, collections of indexed variables, and symbolic functions more natural.


In Python's SymPy documentation the symbols constructor is suggested as idiomatic for producing symbolic objects. This function can similarly be used within Julia. With symbols (and with @syms) it is possible to pass assumptions onto the variables. A list of possible assumptions is here. Some examples are:

julia> u = symbols("u")u
julia> x = symbols("x", real=true)x
julia> y1, y2 = symbols("y1, y2", positive=true)(y1, y2)
julia> alpha = symbols("alpha", integer=true, positive=true)α

As seen, the symbols function can be used to make one or more variables with zero, one or more assumptions.

We jump ahead for a second to illustrate, but here we see that solve will respect these assumptions, by failing to find solutions to these equations:

julia> solve(x^2 + 1)   # ±i are not realAny[]
julia> solve(y1 + 1)    # -1 is not positiveAny[]

The @syms macro allows annotations, akin to type annotations, to specify assumptions on new variables:

julia> @syms u1::positive u2::positive(u1, u2)
julia> solve(u1 + u2) # empty, though solving u1 - u2 is not.Any[]

Additionally you can rename arguments using pair notation:

julia> @syms a1=>"α₁" a2=>"α₂"(α₁, α₂)

In this example, the Julia variables a1 and a2 are defined to store SymPy symbols with the "pretty" names α₁ and α₂ respectively.

As can be seen, there are several ways to create symbolic values, but the recommended way is to use @syms.

Special constants

Julia has its math constants, like pi and e, SymPy as well. A few of these have Julia counterparts provided by SymPyCore. For example, these two constants are defined (where oo is for infinity):

julia> PI,  oo  # also Sym(pi) or Sym(Inf)(pi, oo)

Numeric values themselves can be symbolic. This example shows the difference. The first asin call dispatches to Julia's asin function, the second to SymPy's:

julia> [asin(1), asin(Sym(1))]2-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}:


SymPy provides a means to substitute values in for the symbolic expressions. The specification requires an expression, a variable in the expression to substitute in for, and a new value. For example, this is one way to make a polynomial in a new variable:

julia> @syms x y(x, y)
julia> ex = x^2 + 2x + 1 2 x + 2⋅x + 1
julia> ex.subs(x, y) 2 y + 2⋅y + 1

Substitution can also be numeric:

julia> ex.subs(x, 0)1

The output has no free variables, but is still symbolic.

Expressions with more than one variable can have multiple substitutions, where each is expressed as a tuple:

julia> @syms x,y,z(x, y, z)
julia> ex = x + y + zx + y + z
julia> ex.subs([(x,1), (y, pi)])z + 1 + π

The SymPy documentation for many functions can be read from the terminal using Base.Docs.getdoc(ex), as in Base.Docs.getdoc(sin(x)).

The SymPyCore package also offers a more Julian interface, through the method subs. This replaces the specification of pairs by a tuple with the => infix operator for Pair construction:

julia> subs(ex, x=>1, y=>pi)z + 1 + π

For subs, the simple substitution ex.object(x,a) or subs(ex, x=>s) is similar to simple function evaluation, so Julia's call notation for symbolic expressions is reserved for substitution, where to specify the pairing off of x and a, the => pairs notation is used.

This calling style will be equivalent to the last:

julia> ex(x=>1, y=>pi)z + 1 + π

A straight call is also possible, where the order of the variables is determined by free_symbols. This is useful for expressions of a single variable, but being more explicit through the use of paired values is recommended.

Conversion from symbolic to numeric

SymPy provides two identical means to convert a symbolic math expression to a number. One is evalf, the other N. Within Julia we decouple this, using N to also convert to a Julian value and evalf to leave the conversion as a symbolic object. The N function converts symbolic integers, rationals, irrationals, and complex values, while attempting to find an appropriate Julia type for the value.

To see the difference, we use both on PI:

julia> N(PI)  # converts to underlying pi irrationalπ = 3.1415926535897...

Whereas, evalf will produce a symbolic numeric value:

julia> (PI).evalf()3.14159265358979

The evalf call allows for a precision argument to be passed through the second argument. This is how 30 digits of $\pi$ can be extracted:

julia> PI.evalf(30)3.14159265358979323846264338328

This is a SymPy, symbolic number, not a Julia object. Composing with N

julia> N(PI.evalf(30))3.141592653589793115997963468544185161590576171875

will produce a Julia number,

Explicit conversion via convert(T, ex) can also be done in some cases, but may need to be combined with a call to evalf in some compound cases.

Algebraic expressions

SymPyCore overloads many of Julia's functions to work with symbolic objects, such as seen above with asin. The usual mathematical operations such as +, *, -, / etc. work through Julia's promotion mechanism, where numbers are promoted to symbolic objects, others dispatch internally to related SymPy functions.

In most all cases, thinking about this distinction between numbers and symbolic numbers is unnecessary, as numeric values passed to SymPyCore functions are typically promoted to symbolic expressions. This conversion will take math constants to their corresponding SymPyCore counterpart, rational expressions to rational expressions, and floating point values to floating point values. However there are edge cases. An expression like 1//2 * pi * x will differ from the seemingly identical 1//2 * (pi * x). The former will produce a floating point value from 1//2 * pi before being promoted to a symbolic instance. Using the symbolic value PI makes this expression work either way.

Most of Julia's mathematical functions are overloaded to work with symbolic expressions. Julia's generic definitions are used, as possible. This also introduces some edge cases. For example, x^(-2) will balk due to the negative, integer exponent, but either x^(-2//1) or x^Sym(-2) will work as expected, as the former call first dispatches to a generic definition, but the latter two expressions do not.

The expand, factor, collect, and simplify functions

`SymPyCore makes it very easy to work with polynomial and rational expressions.

First we create some variables:

julia> @syms x y z(x, y, z)

A typical polynomial expression in a single variable can be written in two common ways, expanded or factored form. Using factor and expand can move between the two.

For example,

julia> p = x^2 + 3x + 2 2
x  + 3⋅x + 2
julia> factor(p)(x + 1)⋅(x + 2)


julia> expand(prod((x-i) for i in 1:5)) 5       4       3        2
x  - 15⋅x  + 85⋅x  - 225⋅x  + 274⋅x - 120

The factor function factors over the rational numbers, so something like this with obvious factors is not finished:

julia> factor(x^2 - 2) 2
x  - 2

When expressions involve one or more variables, it can be convenient to be able to manipulate them. For example, if we define q by:

julia> q = x*y + x*y^2 + x^2*y + x 2        2
x ⋅y + x⋅y  + x⋅y + x

Then we can collect the terms by the variable x:

julia> sympy.collect(q, x) 2       ⎛ 2        ⎞
x ⋅y + x⋅⎝y  + y + 1⎠

or the variable y:

julia> sympy.collect(q, y)   2         ⎛ 2    ⎞
x⋅y  + x + y⋅⎝x  + x⎠

These are identical expressions, though viewed differently.


SymPy's collect function has a different meaning than the collect generic, which turns an iterable into a vector or, more generally, an array. The expression above dispatches to SymPy's as q is symbolic.

A more broad-brush approach is to let SymPyCore simplify the values. In this case, the common value of x is factored out:

julia> simplify(q)  ⎛       2        ⎞
x⋅⎝x⋅y + y  + y + 1⎠

The simplify function attempts to apply the dozens of functions related to simplification that are part of SymPy. It is also possible to apply these functions one at a time, for example sympy.trigsimp does trigonometric simplifications.

The SymPy tutorial illustrates that expand can also result in simplifications through this example:

julia> expand((x + 1)*(x - 2) - (x - 1)*x)-2

These methods are not restricted to polynomial expressions and will work with other expressions. For example, factor identifies the following as a factorable object in terms of the variable exp(x):

julia> factor(exp(2x) + 3exp(x) + 2)⎛ x    ⎞ ⎛ x    ⎞
⎝ℯ  + 1⎠⋅⎝ℯ  + 2⎠

Rational expressions: apart, together, cancel

When working with rational expressions, SymPy does not do much simplification unless asked. For example this expression is not simplified:

julia> r = 1/x + 1/x^21   1
─ + ──
x    2

To put the terms of r over a common denominator, the together function is available:

julia> together(r)x + 1

The apart function does the reverse, creating a partial fraction decomposition from a ratio of polynomials:

julia> apart( (4x^3 + 21x^2 + 10x + 12) /  (x^4 + 5x^3 + 5x^2 + 4x)) 2⋅x - 1       1     3
────────── - ───── + ─
 2           x + 4   x
x  + x + 1

Some times SymPy will cancel factors, as here:

julia> top = (x-1)*(x-2)*(x-3)(x - 3)⋅(x - 2)⋅(x - 1)
julia> bottom = (x-1)*(x-4)(x - 4)⋅(x - 1)
julia> top/bottom(x - 3)⋅(x - 2) ─────────────── x - 4

(This might make math faculty a bit upset, but it is in line with student thinking.)

However, with expanded terms, the common factor of (x-1) is not cancelled:

julia> r = expand(top) / expand(bottom) 3      2
x  - 6⋅x  + 11⋅x - 6
    x  - 5⋅x + 4

The cancel function instructs SymPy to perform cancellations. It takes rational functions and puts them in a canonical $p/q$ form with no common (rational) factors and leading terms which are integers:

julia> cancel(r) 2
x  - 5⋅x + 6
   x - 4


The SymPy tutorial offers a thorough explanation on powers and which get simplified and under what conditions. Basically

  • The simplicfication $x^a x^b = x^{a+b}$ is always true. However

  • The simplification $x^a y^a=(xy)^a$ is only true with assumptions, such as $x,y \geq 0$ and $a$ is real, but not in general. For example, $x=y=-1$ and $a=1/2$ has $x^a \cdot y^a = i \cdot i = -1$, where as $(xy)^a = 1$.

  • As well, the simplification $(x^a)^b = x^{ab}$ is only true with assumptions. For example $x=-1, a=2$, and $b=1/2$ gives $(x^a)^b = 1^{1/2} = 1$, whereas $x^{ab} = -1^1 = -1$.

We see that with assumptions, the following expression does simplify to $0$:

julia> @syms x::nonnegatve y::nonnegative  a::real(x, y, a)
julia> simplify(x^a * y^a - (x*y)^a)0

However, without assumptions this is not the case

julia> @syms x,y,a(x, y, a)
julia> simplify(x^a * y^a - (x*y)^a) a a a x ⋅y - (x⋅y)

The simplify function calls powsimp to simplify powers, as above. The powsimp function has the keyword argument force=true to force simplification even if assumptions are not specified:

julia> sympy.powsimp(x^a * y^a - (x*y)^a, force=true)0

Trigonometric simplification

For trigonometric expressions, simplify will use trigsimp to simplify:

julia> @syms theta::real(theta,)
julia> p = cos(theta)^2 + sin(theta)^2 2 2 sin (θ) + cos (θ)

Calling either simplify or trigsimp will apply the Pythagorean identity:

julia> simplify(p)1

The trigsimp function is, of course, aware of the double angle formulas:

julia> simplify(sin(2theta) - 2sin(theta)*cos(theta))0

The expand_trig function will expand such expressions:

julia> sympy.expand_trig(sin(2theta))2⋅sin(θ)⋅cos(θ)


Coefficients of a polynomial

Returning to polynomials, there are a few functions to find various pieces of the polynomials. First we make a general quadratic polynomial:

julia> @syms a,b,c,x(a, b, c, x)
julia> p = a*x^2 + b*x + c 2 a⋅x + b⋅x + c

If given a polynomial, like p, there are different means to extract the coefficients:

  • SymPy provides a coeffs method for Poly objects, but p must first be converted to one.

  • SymPy provides the coeff method for expressions, which allows extraction of a coefficient for a given monomial

The ex.coeff(monom) call will return the corresponding coefficient of the monomial:

julia> p.coeff(x^2) # aa
julia> p.coeff(x) # bb

The constant can be found through substitution:

julia> p(x=>0)c

Though one could use some trick like this to find all the coefficients, that is cumbersome, at best.

julia> vcat([p.coeff(x^i) for i in N(degree(p,gen=x)):-1:1], [p(x=>0)])3-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}:

Polynomials are a special class in SymPy and must be constructed. The poly constructor can be used. As there is more than one free variable in p, we specify the variable x below:

julia> q = sympy.poly(p, x)Poly(a*x^2 + b*x + c, x, domain='ZZ[a,b,c]')
julia> q.coeffs()3-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}: a b c

Polynomial roots: solve, real_roots, polyroots, nroots

SymPy provides functions to find the roots of a polynomial. In general, a polynomial with real coefficients of degree $n$ will have $n$ roots when multiplicities and complex roots are accounted for. The number of real roots is consequently between $0$ and $n$.

For a univariate polynomial expression (a single variable), the real roots, when available, are returned by real_roots. For example,

julia> real_roots(x^2 - 2)2-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}:

Unlike factor – which only factors over rational factors – real_roots finds the two irrational roots here. It is well known (the Abel-Ruffini theorem) that for degree 5 polynomials, or higher, it is not always possible to express the roots in terms of radicals. However, when the roots are rational SymPy can have success:

julia> p = (x-3)^2*(x-2)*(x-1)*x*(x+1)*(x^2 + x + 1)         2                         ⎛ 2        ⎞
x⋅(x - 3) ⋅(x - 2)⋅(x - 1)⋅(x + 1)⋅⎝x  + x + 1⎠
julia> real_roots(p)6-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}: -1 0 1 2 3 3

In this example, the degree of p is 8, but only the 6 real roots returned, the double root of $3$ is accounted for. The two complex roots of x^2 + x+ 1 are not considered by this function. The complete set of distinct roots can be found with solve:

julia> solve(p)7-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}:
 -1/2 - sqrt(3)*I/2
 -1/2 + sqrt(3)*I/2

This finds the complex roots, but does not account for the double root. The roots function of SymPy does.

The output of calling roots will be a dictionary whose keys are the roots and values the multiplicity.


When exact answers are not provided, the roots call is contentless:

julia> p = x^5 - x + 1 5
x  - x + 1
julia> sympy.roots(p)Dict{Any, Any}()

Calling solve seems to produce very little as well:

julia> rts = solve(p)5-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}:
 CRootOf(x^5 - x + 1, 0)
 CRootOf(x^5 - x + 1, 1)
 CRootOf(x^5 - x + 1, 2)
 CRootOf(x^5 - x + 1, 3)
 CRootOf(x^5 - x + 1, 4)

But in fact, rts contains lots of information. We can extract numeric values quite easily with N:

julia> N.(rts)5-element Vector{Number}:
 -0.18123244446987538 - 1.0839541013177107im
 -0.18123244446987538 + 1.0839541013177107im
   0.7648844336005847 - 0.35247154603172626im
   0.7648844336005847 + 0.35247154603172626im

These are numeric approximations to irrational values. For numeric approximations to polynomial roots, the nroots function is also provided. The answers are still symbolic:

julia> nroots(p)5-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}:
 -0.181232444469875 - 1.08395410131771⋅ⅈ
 -0.181232444469875 + 1.08395410131771⋅ⅈ
 0.764884433600585 - 0.352471546031726⋅ⅈ
 0.764884433600585 + 0.352471546031726⋅ⅈ

Solving equations

The solve function

The solve function is more general purpose than just finding roots of univariate polynomials. The function tries to solve for when an expression is $0$, or a set of expressions are all $0$.

For example, it can be used to solve when $\cos(x) = \sin(x)$:

julia> solve(cos(x) - sin(x))1-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}:

Though there are infinitely many correct solutions, these are within a certain range.

The solveset function appears in version 1.0 of SymPy and is an intended replacement for solve. Here we see it describes all solutions:

julia> u = solveset(cos(x) - sin(x))⎧        5⋅π │      ⎫   ⎧        π │      ⎫
⎨2⋅n⋅π + ─── │ n ∊ ℤ⎬ ∪ ⎨2⋅n⋅π + ─ │ n ∊ ℤ⎬
⎩         4  │      ⎭   ⎩        4 │      ⎭

The output of solveset is a set, rather than a vector or dictionary.

julia> v = solveset(x^2 - 4)Set{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}} with 2 elements:

Solving within Sympy has limits. For example, there is no symbolic solution here:

julia> try  solve(cos(x) - x)  catch err "error" end # wrap command for doctest of error"error"

(And hence the error message generated.)

For such an equation, a numeric method would be needed, similar to the Roots package. For example:

julia> nsolve(cos(x) - x, 1)0.739085133215161

Though it can't solve everything, the solve function can also solve equations of a more general type. For example, here it is used to derive the quadratic equation:

julia> @syms a::real, b::real, c::real(a, b, c)
julia> p = a*x^2 + b*x + c 2 a⋅x + b⋅x + c
julia> xs = solve(p, x);

The extra argument x is passed to solve so that solve knows which variable to solve for.

The solveset function

The solveset function is similar:

julia> solveset(p, x); # Set with two elements

If the x value is not given, solveset will error and solve will try to find a solution over all the free variables:

julia> solve(p)1-element Vector{Dict{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}, SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}}:
 Dict(a => (-b*x - c)/x^2)

The output of solveset in Python is always a set, which may be finite or not. Finite sets are converted to Sets in Julia. Infinite sets have no natural counterpart and are not realized. Rather, they can be queried, as with "needle in haystack". For example:

julia> u = solveset(sin(x) ≧ 0)  # [\geqq] or with u  = solveset(Ge(sin(x), 0)){x │ x ∊ ℂ ∧ (sin(x) ≥ 0)}
julia> PI/2 in utrue
julia> 3PI/2 in ufalse

Infinite sets can have unions and intersections taken:

julia> v = solveset(cos(x) ≧ 0){x │ x ∊ ℂ ∧ (cos(x) ≥ 0)}
julia> [3PI/4 in A for A ∈ (u, v, intersect(u, v), union(u, v))]4-element Vector{Bool}: 1 0 0 1

Infinite sets can be filtered by intersecting them with an interval. For example,

julia> u = solveset(sin(x) ~ 1//2, x)⎧        π │      ⎫   ⎧        5⋅π │      ⎫
⎨2⋅n⋅π + ─ │ n ∊ ℤ⎬ ∪ ⎨2⋅n⋅π + ─── │ n ∊ ℤ⎬
⎩        6 │      ⎭   ⎩         6  │      ⎭
julia> intersect(u, sympy.Interval(0, 2PI)) # a finite set after intersectionSet{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}} with 2 elements: 5*pi/6 pi/6

There are more sympy methods for working with sets, beyond those mirroring Julia generics.

Systems of equations can be solved as well. We specify them within a tuple of expressions, (ex1, ex2, ..., exn) where a found solution is one where all the expressions are 0. For example, to solve this linear system: $2x + 3y = 6, 3x - 4y=12$, we have:

julia> @syms x::real, y::real(x, y)
julia> exs = (2x+3y-6, 3x-4y-12)(2*x + 3*y - 6, 3*x - 4*y - 12)
julia> d = solve(exs); # Dict(x=>60/17, y=>-6/17)

We can "check our work" by plugging into each equation. We take advantage of how the subs function allows us to pass in a dictionary:

julia> map(ex -> ex.subs(d), exs)(0, 0)

The more Julian way to solve a linear equation, like this would be as follows:

julia> A = Sym[2 3; 3  -4]; b = Sym[6, 12]2-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym}:
julia> A \ b2-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym}: 60/17 -6/17

(Rather than use a generic lu solver through Julia (which proved slow for larger systems), the \ operator utilizes solve to perform this computation.)

In the previous example, the system had two equations and two unknowns. When that is not the case, one can specify the variables to solve for as a vector. In this example, we find a quadratic polynomial that approximates $\cos(x)$ near $0$:

julia> a,b,c,h = symbols("a,b,c,h", real=true)(a, b, c, h)
julia> p = a*x^2 + b*x + c 2 a⋅x + b⋅x + c
julia> fn = cos;
julia> exs = [fn(0*h)-p(x=>0), fn(h)-p(x => h), fn(2h)-p(x => 2h)]3-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}: 1 - c -a*h^2 - b*h - c + cos(h) -4*a*h^2 - 2*b*h - c + cos(2*h)
julia> d = solve(exs, (a,b,c));
julia> d[a], d[b], d[c](-cos(h)/h^2 + cos(2*h)/(2*h^2) + 1/(2*h^2), 2*cos(h)/h - cos(2*h)/(2*h) - 3/(2*h), 1)

Again, a dictionary is returned, though we display its named elements individually. The polynomial itself can be found by substituting back in for a, b, and c:

julia> quad_approx = p.subs(d) 2 ⎛  cos(h)   cos(2⋅h)    1  ⎞     ⎛2⋅cos(h)   cos(2⋅h)    3 ⎞
x ⋅⎜- ────── + ──────── + ────⎟ + x⋅⎜──────── - ──────── - ───⎟ + 1
   ⎜     2          2        2⎟     ⎝   h         2⋅h      2⋅h⎠
   ⎝    h        2⋅h      2⋅h ⎠

Taking the "limit" as $h$ goes to 0 produces the answer $1 - x^2/2$, as will be shown.

Finally for solve, we show one way to re-express the polynomial $a_2x^2 + a_1x + a_0$ as $b_2(x-c)^2 + b_1(x-c) + b_0$ using solve (and not, say, an expansion theorem.)

julia> n = 33
julia> @syms x, c(x, c)
julia> @syms as[1:3](SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}[as₁, as₂, as₃],)
julia> @syms bs[1:3](SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}[bs₁, bs₂, bs₃],)
julia> p = sum(as[i]*x^(i-1) for i ∈ 1:n) 2 as₁ + as₂⋅x + as₃⋅x
julia> q = sum(bs[i]*(x-c)^(i-1) for i ∈ 1:n) 2 bs₁ + bs₂⋅(-c + x) + bs₃⋅(-c + x)
julia> d = solve(p-q, bs)Dict{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}, SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}} with 3 entries: bs₂ => as₂ + 2*as₃*c bs₁ => as₁ + as₂*c + as₃*c^2 bs₃ => as₃

Solving using logical operators

The solve function does not need to just solve ex = 0. There are other means to specify an equation. Ideally, it would be nice to say ex1 == ex2, but the interpretation of == is not for this. Rather, SymPyCore introduces Eq for equality. So this expression

julia> solve(Eq(x, 1))1-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}:

gives $1$, as expected from solving x == 1.


Mathematics uses = for equations. Julia uses = for assignment and == for generic equality, and === to test for identical values. There is no general infix equation operation in Julia, though ~ is used by the Symbolics package its ecosystem. SymPy uses Eq for expressing an equation. For SymPyCore, both Eq and ~ may be used to indicate an equation between unknowns.

In addition to Eq, there are Lt, Le, Ge, Gt. The Unicode operators (e.g., \leq and not \leq) are not aliased to these, but there are alternatives \ll[tab], \leqq[tab], \Equal[tab], \geqq[tab], \gg[tab] and \neg[tab] to negate.

So, the above could have been written with the following nearly identical expression, though it is entered with \Equal[tab]:

julia> solve(x ⩵ 1)1-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}:

Or as

julia> solve(x ~ 1)1-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}:

Here is an alternative way of asking a previous question on a pair of linear equations:

julia> @syms x::real, y::real(x, y)
julia> exs = (2x+3y ~ 6, 3x-4y ~ 12)(Eq(2*x + 3*y, 6), Eq(3*x - 4*y, 12))
julia> d = solve(exs);

Here is one other way to express the same

julia> Eq.( (2x+3y,3x-4y), (6,12)) |>  solve == dtrue

Solving a linear recurrence

The rsolve function solves univariate recurrence with rational coefficients. It's use is like solve, though we need to qualify it, as the function does not have a Julian counterpart:

julia> @syms y() n(y, n)
julia> eqn = y(n) ~ y(n-1) + y(n-2)y(n) = y(n - 2) + y(n - 1)
julia> sympy.rsolve(eqn ,y(n)) n n ⎛1 √5⎞ ⎛1 √5⎞ C₀⋅⎜─ - ──⎟ + C₁⋅⎜─ + ──⎟ ⎝2 2 ⎠ ⎝2 2 ⎠

A possibly familiar solution to the Fibonacci pattern is produced.


A matrix of symbolic values could be represented in Julia as either a symbolic matrix or a matrix of symbolic elements. In SymPy the default is to use the latter:

julia> @syms x y(x, y)
julia> A = [1 x; x^2 x^3]2×2 Matrix{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}: 1 x x^2 x^3

The getproperty method for matrices with symbolic values is overridden to allow object methods to be called:

julia> A.det()0

In addition, many of the generic methods from the LinearAlgebra package will work, as shown here where the trace is taken:

julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> tr(A) 3 x + 1

To create symbolic matrices, a bit of work is needed, as converts symbolic matrices to matrices of symbolic values. Here are few ways

Using an immutable matrix will work, but we specify the matrix through a tuple of row vectors, as the ImmutableMatrix type of SymPy is preserved by :

julia> B = [1 2 3; 3 4 5]2×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2  3
 3  4  5
julia> sympy.ImmutableMatrix(tuple(eachrow(B)...))⎡1 2 3⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣3 4 5⎦

A mutable Matrix can be created by inhibiting the call to and calling Sym directly. (This is not recommended, as matrices with symbolic values require an extra call with .)

julia>  Sym(↓(sympy).Matrix(tuple(eachrow(B)...)))⎡1  2  3⎤
⎢       ⎥
⎣3  4  5⎦

The MatrixSymbol feature of SymPy allows for the definition of sized matrices where the element values are not of interest:

julia> A, B = sympy.MatrixSymbol("A", 2, 3), sympy.MatrixSymbol("B", 3, 1)(A, B)
julia> A * BA⋅B

As seen, A * B is defined. The values can be seen through:

julia> sympy.Matrix(A * B)2×1 Matrix{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}:
 A₀₀⋅B₀₀ + A₀₁⋅B₁₀ + A₀₂⋅B₂₀
 A₁₀⋅B₀₀ + A₁₁⋅B₁₀ + A₁₂⋅B₂₀

However, B * A will error:

julia> try  B * A catch err "Error" end"Error"