Advanced Expression Manipulation
In this section, we discuss some ways that we can perform advanced manipulation of expressions.
Understanding Expression Trees
Before we can do this, we need to understand how expressions are represented in SymPy. A mathematical expression is represented as a tree. Let us take the expression x^2 + xy
, i.e., x**2 + x*y
. We can see what this expression looks like internally by using srepr
The srepr
function needs qualification
julia> @syms x, y, z
(x, y, z)
julia> expr = x^2 + x*y
2 x + x⋅y
julia> sympy.srepr(expr)
Add(Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2)), Mul(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')))
Expand for Python example
>>> from sympy import *
>>> x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
>>> expr = x**2 + x*y
>>> srepr(expr)
"Add(Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2)), Mul(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')))"
The easiest way to tear this apart is to look at a diagram of the expression tree:
The diagram is not presented here
Expand for Python example
.. This comes from dotprint(x**2 + x*y, labelfunc=srepr)
.. graphviz::
# Graph style
# Nodes #
"Add(Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2)), Mul(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')))_()" ["color"="black", "label"="Add", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2))_(0,)" ["color"="black", "label"="Pow", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Symbol('x')_(0, 0)" ["color"="black", "label"="Symbol('x')", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Integer(2)_(0, 1)" ["color"="black", "label"="Integer(2)", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Mul(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))_(1,)" ["color"="black", "label"="Mul", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Symbol('x')_(1, 0)" ["color"="black", "label"="Symbol('x')", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Symbol('y')_(1, 1)" ["color"="black", "label"="Symbol('y')", "shape"="ellipse"];
# Edges #
"Add(Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2)), Mul(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')))_()" -> "Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2))_(0,)";
"Add(Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2)), Mul(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')))_()" -> "Mul(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))_(1,)";
"Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2))_(0,)" -> "Symbol('x')_(0, 0)";
"Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2))_(0,)" -> "Integer(2)_(0, 1)";
"Mul(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))_(1,)" -> "Symbol('x')_(1, 0)";
"Mul(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))_(1,)" -> "Symbol('y')_(1, 1)";
First, let's look at the leaves of this tree. Symbols are instances of the class Symbol. While we have been doing
julia> @syms x
Expand for Python example
>>> x = symbols('x')
we could have also done
julia> x = symbols("x")
Expand for Python example
>>> x = Symbol('x')
Either way, we get a Symbol with the name "x
". For the number in the expression, 2, we got Integer(2)
. Integer
is the SymPy class for integers. It is similar to the Python built-in type int
, except that Integer
plays nicely with other SymPy types.
When we write x**2
, this creates a Pow
object. Pow
is short for "power".
julia> sympy.srepr(x^2)
Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2))
Expand for Python example
>>> srepr(x**2)
"Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2))"
We could have created the same object by calling Pow(x, 2)
julia> sympy.Pow(x, 2)
2 x
Expand for Python example
>>> Pow(x, 2)
Note that in the srepr
output, we see Integer(2)
, the SymPy version of integers, even though technically, we input 2
, a Python int. In general, whenever you combine a SymPy object with a non-SymPy object via some function or operation, the non-SymPy object will be converted into a SymPy object. The function that does this is sympify
Using Sym(2)
is more idiomatic. It uses sympify
, though a more performant means would be to create a Python object (which differs between PyCall
) and PythonCall
)) and call Sym
on that.
julia> sympify(2)
Expand for Python example
>>> type(2)
<... 'int'>
>>> type(sympify(2))
<class 'sympy.core.numbers.Integer'>
We have seen that x**2
is represented as Pow(x, 2)
. What about x*y
? As we might expect, this is the multiplication of x
and y
. The SymPy class for multiplication is Mul
julia> sympy.srepr(x * y)
Mul(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))
Expand for Python example
>>> srepr(x*y)
"Mul(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))"
Thus, we could have created the same object by writing Mul(x, y)
julia> sympy.Mul(x, y)
Expand for Python example
>>> Mul(x, y)
Now we get to our final expression, x**2 + x*y
. This is the addition of our last two objects, Pow(x, 2)
, and Mul(x, y)
. The SymPy class for addition is Add
, so, as you might expect, to create this object, we use Add(Pow(x, 2), Mul(x, y))
julia> sympy.Add(sympy.Pow(x, 2), sympy.Mul(x, y))
2 x + x⋅y
Expand for Python example
>>> Add(Pow(x, 2), Mul(x, y))
x**2 + x*y
SymPy expression trees can have many branches, and can be quite deep or quite broad. Here is a more complicated example
julia> expr = sin(x*2)/2 - x^2 + 1/y
2 sin(2⋅x) 1 - x + ──────── + ─ 2 y
julia> sympy.srepr(expr)
Add(Mul(Integer(-1), Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2))), Mul(Rational(1, 2), sin(Mu ↪ ↪ l(Integer(2), Symbol('x')))), Pow(Symbol('y'), Integer(-1)))
Expand for Python example
>>> expr = sin(x*y)/2 - x**2 + 1/y
>>> srepr(expr)
"Add(Mul(Integer(-1), Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2))), Mul(Rational(1, 2),
sin(Mul(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')))), Pow(Symbol('y'), Integer(-1)))"
Here is a diagram
This is not present in this translation
Expand for Python example
.. dotprint(sin(x*y)/2 - x**2 + 1/y, labelfunc=srepr)
.. graphviz::
# Graph style
# Nodes #
"Half()_(0, 0)" ["color"="black", "label"="Rational(1, 2)", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Symbol(y)_(2, 0)" ["color"="black", "label"="Symbol('y')", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Symbol(x)_(1, 1, 0)" ["color"="black", "label"="Symbol('x')", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Integer(2)_(1, 1, 1)" ["color"="black", "label"="Integer(2)", "shape"="ellipse"];
"NegativeOne()_(2, 1)" ["color"="black", "label"="Integer(-1)", "shape"="ellipse"];
"NegativeOne()_(1, 0)" ["color"="black", "label"="Integer(-1)", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Symbol(y)_(0, 1, 0, 1)" ["color"="black", "label"="Symbol('y')", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Symbol(x)_(0, 1, 0, 0)" ["color"="black", "label"="Symbol('x')", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Pow(Symbol(x), Integer(2))_(1, 1)" ["color"="black", "label"="Pow", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne())_(2,)" ["color"="black", "label"="Pow", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y))_(0, 1, 0)" ["color"="black", "label"="Mul", "shape"="ellipse"];
"sin(Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y)))_(0, 1)" ["color"="black", "label"="sin", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Mul(Half(), sin(Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y))))_(0,)" ["color"="black", "label"="Mul", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Mul(NegativeOne(), Pow(Symbol(x), Integer(2)))_(1,)" ["color"="black", "label"="Mul", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Add(Mul(Half(), sin(Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y)))), Mul(NegativeOne(), Pow(Symbol(x), Integer(2))), Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne()))_()" ["color"="black", "label"="Add", "shape"="ellipse"];
# Edges #
"Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne())_(2,)" -> "Symbol(y)_(2, 0)";
"Pow(Symbol(x), Integer(2))_(1, 1)" -> "Symbol(x)_(1, 1, 0)";
"Pow(Symbol(x), Integer(2))_(1, 1)" -> "Integer(2)_(1, 1, 1)";
"Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne())_(2,)" -> "NegativeOne()_(2, 1)";
"Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y))_(0, 1, 0)" -> "Symbol(x)_(0, 1, 0, 0)";
"Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y))_(0, 1, 0)" -> "Symbol(y)_(0, 1, 0, 1)";
"Mul(Half(), sin(Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y))))_(0,)" -> "Half()_(0, 0)";
"Mul(NegativeOne(), Pow(Symbol(x), Integer(2)))_(1,)" -> "NegativeOne()_(1, 0)";
"sin(Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y)))_(0, 1)" -> "Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y))_(0, 1, 0)";
"Mul(NegativeOne(), Pow(Symbol(x), Integer(2)))_(1,)" -> "Pow(Symbol(x), Integer(2))_(1, 1)";
"Mul(Half(), sin(Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y))))_(0,)" -> "sin(Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y)))_(0, 1)";
"Add(Mul(Half(), sin(Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y)))), Mul(NegativeOne(), Pow(Symbol(x), Integer(2))), Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne()))_()" -> "Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne())_(2,)";
"Add(Mul(Half(), sin(Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y)))), Mul(NegativeOne(), Pow(Symbol(x), Integer(2))), Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne()))_()" -> "Mul(Half(), sin(Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y))))_(0,)";
"Add(Mul(Half(), sin(Mul(Symbol(x), Symbol(y)))), Mul(NegativeOne(), Pow(Symbol(x), Integer(2))), Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne()))_()" -> "Mul(NegativeOne(), Pow(Symbol(x), Integer(2)))_(1,)";
This expression reveals some interesting things about SymPy expression trees. Let's go through them one by one.
Let's first look at the term x**2
. As we expected, we see Pow(x, 2)
. One level up, we see we have Mul(-1, Pow(x, 2))
. There is no subtraction class in SymPy. x - y
is represented as x + -y
, or, more completely, x + -1*y
, i.e., Add(x, Mul(-1, y))
julia> sympy.srepr(x - y)
Add(Symbol('x'), Mul(Integer(-1), Symbol('y')))
Expand for Python example
>>> srepr(x - y)
"Add(Symbol('x'), Mul(Integer(-1), Symbol('y')))"
Expand for Python example
.. dotprint(x - y, labelfunc=srepr)
.. graphviz::
# Graph style
# Nodes #
"Symbol(x)_(1,)" ["color"="black", "label"="Symbol('x')", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Symbol(y)_(0, 1)" ["color"="black", "label"="Symbol('y')", "shape"="ellipse"];
"NegativeOne()_(0, 0)" ["color"="black", "label"="Integer(-1)", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Mul(NegativeOne(), Symbol(y))_(0,)" ["color"="black", "label"="Mul", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Add(Mul(NegativeOne(), Symbol(y)), Symbol(x))_()" ["color"="black", "label"="Add", "shape"="ellipse"];
# Edges #
"Mul(NegativeOne(), Symbol(y))_(0,)" -> "Symbol(y)_(0, 1)";
"Mul(NegativeOne(), Symbol(y))_(0,)" -> "NegativeOne()_(0, 0)";
"Add(Mul(NegativeOne(), Symbol(y)), Symbol(x))_()" -> "Symbol(x)_(1,)";
"Add(Mul(NegativeOne(), Symbol(y)), Symbol(x))_()" -> "Mul(NegativeOne(), Symbol(y))_(0,)";
Next, look at 1/y
. We might expect to see something like Div(1, y)
, but similar to subtraction, there is no class in SymPy for division. Rather, division is represented by a power of -1. Hence, we have Pow(y, -1)
. What if we had divided something other than 1 by y
, like x/y
? Let's see.
julia> expr = x / y
x ─ y
julia> sympy.srepr(expr)
Mul(Symbol('x'), Pow(Symbol('y'), Integer(-1)))
Expand for Python example
>>> expr = x/y
>>> srepr(expr)
"Mul(Symbol('x'), Pow(Symbol('y'), Integer(-1)))"
Expand for Python example
.. dotprint(x/y, labelfunc=srepr)
.. graphviz::
# Graph style
# Nodes #
"Symbol(x)_(0,)" ["color"="black", "label"="Symbol('x')", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Symbol(y)_(1, 0)" ["color"="black", "label"="Symbol('y')", "shape"="ellipse"];
"NegativeOne()_(1, 1)" ["color"="black", "label"="Integer(-1)", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne())_(1,)" ["color"="black", "label"="Pow", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Mul(Symbol(x), Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne()))_()" ["color"="black", "label"="Mul", "shape"="ellipse"];
# Edges #
"Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne())_(1,)" -> "Symbol(y)_(1, 0)";
"Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne())_(1,)" -> "NegativeOne()_(1, 1)";
"Mul(Symbol(x), Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne()))_()" -> "Symbol(x)_(0,)";
"Mul(Symbol(x), Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne()))_()" -> "Pow(Symbol(y), NegativeOne())_(1,)";
We see that x/y
is represented as x*y**-1
, i.e., Mul(x, Pow(y, -1))
Finally, let's look at the sin(x*y)/2
term. Following the pattern of the previous example, we might expect to see Mul(sin(x*y), Pow(Integer(2), -1))
. But instead, we have Mul(Rational(1, 2), sin(x*y))
. Rational numbers are always combined into a single term in a multiplication, so that when we divide by 2, it is represented as multiplying by 1/2.
Finally, one last note. You may have noticed that the order we entered our expression and the order that it came out from srepr
or in the graph were different. You may have also noticed this phenomenon earlier in the tutorial. For example
julia> 1 + x
x + 1
Expand for Python example
>>> 1 + x
x + 1
This because in SymPy, the arguments of the commutative operations Add
and Mul
are stored in an arbitrary (but consistent!) order, which is independent of the order inputted (if you're worried about noncommutative multiplication, don't be. In SymPy, you can create noncommutative Symbols using Symbol('A', commutative=False)
, and the order of multiplication for noncommutative Symbols is kept the same as the input). Furthermore, as we shall see in the next section, the printing order and the order in which things are stored internally need not be the same either.
The way an expression is represented internally and the way it is printed are often not the same.
In general, an important thing to keep in mind when working with SymPy expression trees is this: the internal representation of an expression and the way it is printed need not be the same. The same is true for the input form. If some expression manipulation algorithm is not working in the way you expected it to, chances are, the internal representation of the object is different from what you thought it was.
Recursing through an Expression Tree
Now that you know how expression trees work in SymPy, let's look at how to dig our way through an expression tree. Every object in SymPy has two very important attributes, func
, and args
is the head of the object. For example, (x*y).func
is Mul
. Usually it is the same as the class of the object (though there are exceptions to this rule).
Two notes about func
. First, the class of an object need not be the same as the one used to create it. For example
The Introspection.func
methods (and others) allows a more Julia
n calling style
julia> expr = sympy.Add(x,x)
julia> Introspection.func(expr)
Python: <class 'sympy.core.mul.Mul'>
Expand for Python example
>>> expr = Add(x, x)
>>> expr.func
<class 'sympy.core.mul.Mul'>
We created Add(x, x)
, so we might expect expr.func
to be Add
, but instead we got Mul
. Why is that? Let's take a closer look at expr
julia> expr
Expand for Python example
>>> expr
Add(x, x)
, i.e., x + x
, was automatically converted into Mul(2, x)
, i.e., 2*x
, which is a Mul
. SymPy classes make heavy use of the __new__
class constructor, which, unlike __init__
, allows a different class to be returned from the constructor.
Second, some classes are special-cased, usually for efficiency reasons.
julia> Introspection.func(Sym(2))
Python: <class 'sympy.core.numbers.Integer'>
julia> Introspection.func(Sym(0))
Python: <class 'sympy.core.numbers.Zero'>
julia> Introspection.func(Sym(-1))
Python: <class 'sympy.core.numbers.NegativeOne'>
Expand for Python example
>>> Integer(2).func
<class 'sympy.core.numbers.Integer'>
>>> Integer(0).func
<class 'sympy.core.numbers.Zero'>
>>> Integer(-1).func
<class 'sympy.core.numbers.NegativeOne'>
For the most part, these issues will not bother us. The special classes Zero
, One
, NegativeOne
, and so on are subclasses of Integer
, so as long as you use isinstance
, it will not be an issue.
are the top-level arguments of the object. (x*y).args
would be (x, y)
. Let's look at some examples
Again, Introspection
allows a more Julia
n means to call this object method. Unlike func
, args
returns Sym
values. In the example below, they are converted to underling Python values.
julia> expr = 3 * y^2* x
2 3⋅x⋅y
julia> Introspection.func(expr)
Python: <class 'sympy.core.mul.Mul'>
julia> Introspection.args(expr)
(3, x, y^2)
Expand for Python example
>>> expr = 3*y**2*x
>>> expr.func
<class 'sympy.core.mul.Mul'>
>>> expr.args
(3, x, y**2)
From this, we can see that expr == Mul(3, y**2, x)
. In fact, we can see that we can completely reconstruct expr
from its func
and its args
Actually, what is created is the Python value, which if swrapped in Sym
becoes the original value. Note the use of \downarrow[tab]
to pass the Python values to the output of func
julia> u = Introspection.func(expr)(↓(Introspection.args(expr))...)
Python: 3*x*y**2
julia> ↓(expr) == u
Python: True
Expand for Python example
>>> expr.func(*expr.args)
>>> expr == expr.func(*expr.args)
Note that although we entered 3*y**2*x
, the args
are (3, x, y**2)
. In a Mul
, the Rational coefficient will come first in the args
, but other than that, the order of everything else follows no special pattern. To be sure, though, there is an order.
julia> expr = y^2 * 3*x
2 3⋅x⋅y
julia> Introspection.args(expr)
(3, x, y^2)
Expand for Python example
>>> expr = y**2*3*x
>>> expr.args
(3, x, y**2)
Mul's args
are sorted, so that the same Mul
will have the same args
. But the sorting is based on some criteria designed to make the sorting unique and efficient that has no mathematical significance.
The srepr
form of our expr
is Mul(3, x, Pow(y, 2))
. What if we want to get at the args
of Pow(y, 2)
. Notice that the y**2
is in the third slot of expr.args
, i.e., expr.args[2]
is 1
based, not 0
based like Python
, so the index is 3
julia> Introspection.args(expr)[3]
2 y
Expand for Python example
>>> expr.args[2]
So to get the args
of this, we call expr.args[2].args
julia> Introspection.args(Introspection.args(expr)[3])
(y, 2)
Expand for Python example
>>> expr.args[2].args
(y, 2)
Now what if we try to go deeper. What are the args of y
. Or 2
. Let's see.
julia> Introspection.args(y)
julia> Introspection.args(Sym(2))
Expand for Python example
>>> y.args
>>> Integer(2).args
They both have empty args
. In SymPy, empty args
signal that we have hit a leaf of the expression tree.
So there are two possibilities for a SymPy expression. Either it has empty args
, in which case it is a leaf node in any expression tree, or it has args
, in which case, it is a branch node of any expression tree. When it has args
, it can be completely rebuilt from its func
and its args
. This is expressed in the key invariant.
Every well-formed SymPy expression must either have empty args
or satisfy expr == expr.func(*expr.args)
(Recall that in Python if a
is a tuple, then f(*a)
means to call f
with arguments from the elements of a
, e.g., f(*(1, 2, 3))
is the same as f(1, 2, 3)
This key invariant allows us to write simple algorithms that walk expression trees, change them, and rebuild them into new expressions.
Walking the Tree
With this knowledge, let's look at how we can recurse through an expression tree. The nested nature of args
is a perfect fit for recursive functions. The base case will be empty args
. Let's write a simple function that goes through an expression and prints all the args
at each level.
julia> function pre(expr) println(expr) for arg in Introspection.args(expr) pre(arg) end end
pre (generic function with 1 method)
Expand for Python example
>>> def pre(expr):
... print(expr)
... for arg in expr.args:
... pre(arg)
See how nice it is that ()
signals leaves in the expression tree. We don't even have to write a base case for our recursion; it is handled automatically by the for loop.
Let's test our function.
julia> expr = x*y + 1
x⋅y + 1
julia> pre(expr)
x*y + 1 1 x*y x y
Expand for Python example
>>> expr = x*y + 1
>>> pre(expr)
x*y + 1
Can you guess why we called our function pre
? We just wrote a pre-order traversal function for our expression tree. See if you can write a post-order traversal function.
Such traversals are so common in SymPy that the generator functions preorder_traversal
and postorder_traversal
are provided to make such traversals easy. We could have also written our algorithm as
julia> collect(sympy.preorder_traversal(expr))
5-element Vector{SymPyCore.Sym{PythonCall.Core.Py}}: x⋅y + 1 1 x⋅y x y
Expand for Python example
>>> for arg in preorder_traversal(expr):
... print(arg)
x*y + 1
Prevent expression evaluation
There are generally two ways to prevent the evaluation, either pass an evaluate=False
parameter while constructing the expression, or create an evaluation stopper by wrapping the expression with UnevaluatedExpr
For example:
julia> x + x
julia> sympy.Add(x, x)
julia> sympy.Add(x, x, evaluate=false)
x + x
Expand for Python example
>>> from sympy import Add
>>> from import x, y, z
>>> x + x
>>> Add(x, x)
>>> Add(x, x, evaluate=False)
x + x
If you don't remember the class corresponding to the expression you want to build (operator overloading usually assumes evaluate=True
), just use sympify
and pass a string:
julia> sympify("x + x", evaluate = false)
x + x
Expand for Python example
>>> from sympy import sympify
>>> sympify("x + x", evaluate=False)
x + x
Note that evaluate=False
won't prevent future evaluation in later usages of the expression:
julia> expr = sympy.Add(x, x, evaluate = false)
x + x
julia> expr + x
Expand for Python example
>>> expr = Add(x, x, evaluate=False)
>>> expr
x + x
>>> expr + x
That's why the class UnevaluatedExpr
comes handy. UnevaluatedExpr
is a method provided by SymPy which lets the user keep an expression unevaluated. By unevaluated it is meant that the value inside of it will not interact with the expressions outside of it to give simplified outputs. For example:
julia> expr = x + sympy.UnevaluatedExpr(x)
x + x
julia> x + expr
2⋅x + x
Expand for Python example
>>> from sympy import UnevaluatedExpr
>>> expr = x + UnevaluatedExpr(x)
>>> expr
x + x
>>> x + expr
2*x + x
The x
remaining alone is the x
wrapped by UnevaluatedExpr
. To release it:
the doit
object method finds many other uses.
julia> (x + expr).doit()
Expand for Python example
>>> (x + expr).doit()
Other examples:
The S
module of Python, is not available as sympy.S
. Rather, we export it through 𝑆
julia> sympy.UnevaluatedExpr(𝑆.One * 5 /7) * sympy.UnevaluatedExpr(𝑆.One * 3 / 4)
julia> x * sympy.UnevaluatedExpr(1/x)
1 x⋅─ x
Expand for Python example
>>> from sympy import *
>>> from import x, y, z
>>> uexpr = UnevaluatedExpr(S.One*5/7)*UnevaluatedExpr(S.One*3/4)
>>> uexpr
>>> x*UnevaluatedExpr(1/x)
A point to be noted is that UnevaluatedExpr
cannot prevent the evaluation of an expression which is given as argument. For example:
julia> expr1 = sympy.UnevaluatedExpr(x + x)
julia> expr2 = sympify("x + x", evaluate=false)
x + x
Expand for Python example
>>> expr1 = UnevaluatedExpr(x + x)
>>> expr1
>>> expr2 = sympify('x + x', evaluate=False)
>>> expr2
x + x
Remember that expr2
will be evaluated if included into another expression. Combine both of the methods to prevent both inside and outside evaluations:
julia> sympy.UnevaluatedExpr(sympify("x + x", evaluate=false)) + y
y + x + x
Expand for Python example
>>> UnevaluatedExpr(sympify("x + x", evaluate=False)) + y
y + (x + x)
is supported by SymPy printers and can be used to print the result in different output forms. For example
julia> using Latexify
ERROR: ArgumentError: Package Latexify not found in current path. - Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("Latexify")` to install the Latexify package.
julia> uexpr = sympy.UnevaluatedExpr(𝑆.One * 5 /7) * sympy.UnevaluatedExpr(𝑆.One * 3 / 4)
julia> latexify(uexpr)
ERROR: UndefVarError: `latexify` not defined in `Main` Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports. Hint: a global variable of this name may be made accessible by importing Latexify in the current active module Main
Expand for Python example
>>> from sympy import latex
>>> uexpr = UnevaluatedExpr(S.One*5/7)*UnevaluatedExpr(S.One*3/4)
>>> print(latex(uexpr))
\frac{5}{7} \cdot \frac{3}{4}
In order to release the expression and get the evaluated LaTeX form, just use .doit()
julia> latexify(uexpr.doit())
ERROR: UndefVarError: `latexify` not defined in `Main` Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports. Hint: a global variable of this name may be made accessible by importing Latexify in the current active module Main
Expand for Python example
>>> print(latex(uexpr.doit()))
- We have been using
instead ofSymbol
because it
automatically splits apart strings into multiple Symbol
* symbols('x y z')
returns a tuple of three Symbol
s. Symbol('x y z')
returns a single Symbol
called x y z
. * Technically, it is an internal function called _sympify
, which differs from sympify
in that it does not convert strings. x + '2'
is not allowed. * Classes like One
and Zero
are singletonized, meaning that only one object is ever created, no matter how many times the class is called. This is done for space efficiency, as these classes are very common. For example, Zero
might occur very often in a sparse matrix represented densely. As we have seen, NegativeOne
occurs any time we have -x
or 1/x
. It is also done for speed efficiency because singletonized objects can be compared by is
. The unique objects for each singletonized class can be accessed from the S